Sunday, March 10, 2019

What is IJP?

Full form of etc
Full form of etc is et cetera which means ‘and the rest’. This word is used in scenarios where there will be a list talk about, of which only a few are mentioned with ‘etc’ in the end says wisdom jobs career edge experts. When comes to usual conversations or documentations or in official conversations like email etc there comes many points where instead of writing the whole text we usually give the abbreviations finds wisdom jobs reviews career edge experts.

IJP meaning
IJP meaning is Internal Job Posting. This means that the position is open only for the internal candidates. In case if the employer receives any applicants from external they will not be processed further as these are meant only for the internal candidates says wisdom jobs complaints career edge experts. The reasons for considering only in-house candidates may be many few of which are good knowledge about the company, better understanding about the company environment, a better career growth option, a chance for improved employee loyalty, low costing etc.

There are many other such abbreviation terminology used in HR discussions like AFAIK, AL, QA, QC, ASAP, BET etc. Similar to etc, IJP; SPOC is another frequently used acronym. The full form of SPOC is ‘single point of contact’. SPOC is used in situations where the information is made available from only a single person or department regarding an event or a program or anything else as such.

There are many more acronyms that are used by a HR in their daily tasks like AFAIK-As Far As I Know, AL-Accelerated Learning, ALARA-As Low As Reasonably Achievable, ASAP-As Soon As Possible, ATS-Advanced Training System, BET-Behaviour, Effect, Thanks, BPR-Business Process Re-engineering, BST-Basic Skills Trainer, CAX-Computer Assisted Exercises, CBT-Computer-Based Training or Competency Based Training, CETA-Cost-Effective Training Analysis, CMI-Computer Managed Instruction, CP-Change Proposal, DMP-Data Management Plan, DSM-Don't Shoot Me, EOD-End Of Discussion, EPSS-Electronic Performance Support System, FOJT-Formal On-the-Job Training, FTX-Field Training Exercise, OTOH-On The Other Hand, P3I-Pre-Planned Product Improvement, PA-Performance Assessment, PE-Practical , ZD-Zero Defects etc.

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