Monday, October 29, 2018

Top 8 Recruitment trends in 2018

1.Recruitment remodeled to ‘Find & Engage’
The dynamics of the digital world, data science and AI have remodeled the recruitment in 2018.Recruitment remodeled to find and engage approach with the help of digital technology and data sciences to shortlist the perfect fit from the most suitable and passive job seekers says wisdom jobs gulf career experts.

2.AI candidate screening
Automated and machine learning logorithms are applied to screen CVs and provide the information to the candidates. While, AI challenge most organizations are adapting training ontology to process the semi-structured data of CVs and job descriptions into a consistent format finds wisdom jobs gulf reviews career experts.

3.Virtual reality (VR) to enhance a job seeker's profile
Some companies are providing Virtual reality tours to their job candidates to know about their company culture to showcase their skills and other technical competencies.

4.Augmented reality (AR)
Most organizations are experimenting with candidates via interactive sessions. AR could allow the candidates to observe the workplace, take part in a mock client meeting and sit with an employee of the company.

5. Job seekers enhance their personal brand using video
Job seekers are expected to upload video content on their LinkedIn profile to enhance their personal brand. It might be an opportunity for recruiters and hiring managers to have a deeper insight in to their potential cultural fit says wisdom jobs gulf complaints career experts.

6.Up skilling a key benefit
To grab the changing trends of the job market one must be up skilled as per the changing current trends, knowledge and skills. This will be a key benefit for employers while differentiating you from others.

7.Low-skilled in less demand, highly-skilled in greater demand
As technology grows in the work place low skilled jobs become less common and highly skilled jobs in greater demand.
8.Automation to fuel temp jobs
Automation and technology advances will eliminate few jobs and also create some new jobs. It will create more contract jobs and highly skilled temporary jobs, which demands people with particular job skills and expertise.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How to handle workplace stress?

Recent studies found that stress is important to motivate us to perform and succeed. Stress is necessary to keep us going. The study also found that 46% of the workforce was suffering from the effects of stress which means one in two employees says wisdom jobs career edge career experts. There is a myth about stress is that stress is bad but without stress there is no motivation, ambition, or improvement. Here are some ways to benefiting from negative stress and get positive results finds wisdom jobs reviews career experts.

Find your driving factor at work
Identify the driving factor a work career, money or people at work. It is natural to feel lost or frustrated at work due to politics, culture, mismanagement, etc. Choosing to focus on what you have to gain from your job will be the driving factor to lead at work says wisdom jobs complaints career experts.
Be assertive
Prioritize the work and say NO to things you don’t have the time or skill for. Handling more work may lead to poor work quality, performance. Be confident to complete the works assigned.
Get organized
Set up a daily to do list and finish the assigned tasks. Being organized about your work gives a clear picture of your work load to manage your time.
Avoid multi-tasking
Experts say that multitasking creates less opportunity to seek from multiple tasks. Sometimes you may end up with incomplete work, having to backtrack your steps, eventually taking longer to finish the task, more exhausted.
Feel secure about yourself
Identify the unique skillset and contribution to the company. Feeling insecure may result in restlessness, underperformance, and overthinking. You may acquire knowledge, hone your skills, and feel confident about your position in the organization.
Re-evaluate your attitudes
Look at the new work as an opportunity for your career growth. Evaluate your workload and analyze your attitudes towards work.

Monday, October 8, 2018

How to learn new skills for your career development?

Learning is a never end process, it should be continued lifelong as life keeps teaching us something or the other as long as we live. With the ever changing current market trends, learning is the key process to one’s career development finds wisdom jobs gulf career edge experts. To stay ahead of others, it is important to enhance your skills and the best career development plan or career guidance to one’s career development suggest wisdom jobs gulf reviews career experts.
Tips to learn new skills to grow and develop your career

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone
To develop a bright future you need to come out of the daily routine and explore new opportunities. Find out the key business areas and network with the people associated. Find a way where you can help a business unit achieve its goals faster, cheaper or with greater efficiency says wisdom jobs gulf complaints career experts.
Ensure to Make Time
Plan to learn to new skills to explore new opportunities without hampering your present schedule. Motivate yourself to learn new things every day for your career development. Give your best on your daily tasks but make time to learn and evolve.
Be Ready to Take Risks
Take risks to start new projects to learn new career goals then you don’t hesitate to go out, meet new people and take up new projects. Taking risks in your professional life will make you face challenges and acquiring new skills will help you for your career development.
Strategize Your Task List
Have a focused strategy to learn and achieve your career goals. If you failed to strategize your tasks then it leads to poor execution of your plan. Enhance your business knowledge and strategize your work for immediate results. This tip may definitely help you in developing your career.
Take up Short-Term Online Course
Once you have decided what kind of work you are looking for then invest time in researching about the required skills and where you can learn these skills from. Taking a short-term online course is the easiest and fastest way to learn new skills and contribute to your own career development.